- Plays three unique sounds for fun and sleep: Monkey fun, Angel falls, Lullaby
- Records voices over all sound options
- Illustrated storybook and adoption certificate
Hot leading man Rupert Everett (AN IDEAL HUSBAND, MY BEST FRIEND'S WEDDING) stars in a sexy thriller that's all about jealousy, passion, revenge ... and a woman compelled to live her life on the edge! Tired of criminal activity, a wild and beautiful thief named B. (Asia Argento -- QUEEN MARGOT) begins to seek a way out of her dangerous profession. While trying to kick her addiction to crime, she finds love and a stable relationship with a naive schoolteacher (Jared Harris -- I SHOT ANDY WARHOL) ... until the dark secrets from B.'s past begin to creep into her new life! As ex-partners Paul (Everett) and Bruno (Jonathan Rhys-Meyers -- MICHAEL COLLINS) get back in the picture, B.'s harrowing balancing act threatens to c! ome crashing down!Director Michael Radford made a surprising about-face from his international hit
Il Postino to this grungy British romantic crime thriller. Asia Argento (Dario's daughter and costar of Abel Ferrara's
New Rose Hotel) is the title character, a street criminal whose specialty is breaking and entering: "I can get into anywhere." Jared Harris (Richard's son and Andy Warhol in
I Shot Andy Warhol) is a bookish, shy schoolteacher with a yen for jazz who becomes smitten with Argento's sexy wildcat. Argento brings a vitality to the supercharged street thief trying to break with her past, but stick-in-the-mud Harris is restrained to a fault and Radford never quite finds the right chemistry to make their union any more than curious. Rupert Everett costars as a smart-mouthed, sleepy-eyed ne'er-do-well whose drug habit puts him deep in debt, and Jonathan Rhys-Meyers is Argento's volatile partner, a jittery young punk on a hair trigger. Radford has m! ore fun with the villains than his ostensible hero; the film b! ubbles w hen they're on screen and the movie's single heist scene is a short, sharp, energized shot in the arm to a slowing story. Only Harris sticks out as an impossibly resolute saint who's dedicated his life to a passionate sinner. The conclusion reverberates with echoes of
Straw Dogs, as remade by a kinder, gentler filmmaker.
--Sean Axmaker The shimmering Ya Give Me Fever dress pumps from Naughty Monkey are sizzling hot.
- Glittery faux leather upper in a dress pump style with a round toe
- Overlay detail
- Smooth lining and cushioned footbed
- 1 inch platform midsole
- Traction outsole
- 4 3/4 inch heel
Rupert Everett stars in this sexy thriller that's all about jealousy, passion, revenge and a woman compelled to live her life on the edge.
Tired of criminal activity, a wild and beautiful thief named B. (
Asia Argento) begins to look for a way out of her dangerous profession. While trying to kick her addictio! n to crime, she finds love with a naive schoolteacher (
Jared Harris)รข"until the dark secrets from B.'s past begin to creep into her new life. As ex-partners Paul (
Everett) and Bruno (
Jonathan Rhys Meyers) get back in the picture, you'll feel the intensity build as B.'s harrowing balancing act threatens to come crashing down.Knowing lying is wrong, Howard chose to do it anyways. Why not? It was easy and he got away with it most of the time. This book explains reasons people lie, why they shouldn't, and how to go about making the right choices. Tips and lessons are included. The sixth book in the award winning Howard B. Wigglebottom series. Teacher and counselor endorsed. For reviews and free, fun resources that support the book, visit wedolisten.com.Mimicking Monkey's unique dual track voiceover option allows you to record personal messages along with each sound to perfectly transform your child's play, relax or bedtime environment. Familiar voices and ! soothing sounds are proven to calm the mind in order to help c! hildren achieve a more peaceful, deeper sleep. Record a soothing message to your child and help ease separation anxiety. Read Mimicking Monkey's storybook and listen to beautiful sounds as your child slowly drifts away into a peaceful slumber.
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